The Abundance Highway: 10 Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Attract Your Best Life

Image by Audrey Ancell ©

Image by Audrey Ancell ©

“Emotion = energy in motion.” 

Peter McWilliams
(self-help author, life 101 teacher, plant medicine advocate)

Are you riding on the “good vibes only” train?  
Perhaps looking to experience more of life’s magic? 
Ready to level up the abundance in your life? 

The secret sauce of manifestation is to raise our vibration. When we raise our vibe, we become a magnet for good things ~ a better conduit for more celebrations, high-fives, and triumphs.

Our vibe may be invisible, but it’s always present and has an impact on everything we give and receive in this world. Energetic mindfulness is key to tapping into the flow of abundance in our practice as powerful manifestors!

Everything is Energy

Did you know our heartbeat has a vibration that expands 3 feet from our body?

Or that DNA has the capacity to conduct electricity

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Thanks to the great work of consciousness researcher David Hawkins, there is scientific proof that our emotions are measurable

Schools may not be teaching cursive anymore, but we each have an energetic signature we sign every moment.

With each thought, interaction, word we speak, TV show we watch, food we eat, every left swipe, scroll hole, and happy hour we find ourselves in, we are giving off and taking in unique signatures from these environments and experiences. 

These signatures have an impact on our relationships, moods, perceptions of the world, our health, how we show up in traffic, how we get up in the morning, how the room shifts when we are around, etc. 

As the Law of Attraction suggests, the energy we put out there is boomeranged right back to us. We are playing poker with the Universe, and it is matching our bid every time.

Climbing the Vibrational Ladder

So what determines our vibe?

Our thoughts + Our emotions + Our environment = Our vibration

It’s the algorithm of the Universe.

What we THINK and how we FEEL are main ingredients of our energy. One way to develop mastery of our vibration is to hone in on our thoughts and emotions.

Emotions are valuable information. They give us a sign of where we are at vibrationally. It doesn’t mean we have to label some emotions as “bad” and others as “good,” because all emotions are teachers and guides, and have functions that protect us, heal us, and keep us in check with our surroundings.

We are human mood rings and the color is our vibration.

For instance, fear helps us recognize threat, and wakes us up to what is going on around us. Sadness helps us move through pain. Anger brings clarity around what we want and don’t want. It indicates where we could have stronger boundaries and encourages us to exercise our coping skills to overcome the things that rile us up.

“Joy helps us celebrate and develop our capacity for gratitude” - Julia Colwell

To be human is to feel ALL of it, allowing our emotions to move through us, without judgement or rejection. To fully honor where we are at, and create a pathway of expressing our emotions, so we can heal our ache, and begin to climb the vibrational ladder.

When we welcome our emotions as they occur we befriend them and expand our openness to the ever-living light and dark within us.

Thoughts are also valuable information. They create momentum towards one emotion or another and let us know which side of the scale we are leaning. Our thoughts are the blueprints of our perspectives, and ultimately are the seed of everything we manifest.

Emotions allow us to connect to our body. Thoughts allow us to connect to our mind.

Image by by Greater Minds

Image by by Greater Minds


Vibes Don’t Lie

I got scammed twice in one week on $300 Phish tickets. 

Scam #1: Craiglister in Maine.

The deal was, he was going to mail me tickets and I was going to wire him money through Western Services. On the day of the exchange, I sent him the money and he reached out to me and said that he had to rush to the hospital 4 hours away to where his dad was going into emergency surgery, and he accidentally left the tickets at home.

He told me not to worry, he was only going to be gone a couple of days and then would express mail them to me before the concert. Well, a couple of days turned into a week, and then a week turned into, “Hey I’m not going to be home in time to get you these tickets, I will refund you your money,” the day before the concert. 

Spoiler alert: He never refunded my money… shocker.

But I was dead set on going to this show anyway so I went back on Craigslist and found another sketchy ad for tickets cheaper than face value. I’m sure you can guess where this is going. 

Scam #2: Craiglister in the hospital.

This was a serious burn on myself. This lady pretended to be pregnant saying she couldn’t go to the show anymore and had to get rid of the tickets. She was using a fake cell phone app and made me send money over to her via Apple Cash and then ghosted me as any scammer would. 

Everything was screaming RED FLAG but I ignored the (very blatant) scammer vibes. I ignored the way my heart raced and my palms were sweating as I was on the phone trying to cut the deal. I ignored the anxiety that I got as I was about to send over the money. I ignored the gut feeling that said, “Hell no, Heather, don’t trust these people.” I ignored my intellect that said, “cheaper than face value, this is obviously too good to be true.” 

To nobody’s surprise,  I never made it to Phish that weekend. 

But the lesson here was bigger than the price…

If something feels off about a situation, trust it.

Bad vibes aren’t actually bad, they can be important because they let us know... 

1. When there is danger.
2. When something is off about a person or situation. 
3. When we are not in alignment with where we want to be.

Vibes don’t lie. People might lie, but vibes don’t. Trust the vibe.

10 Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Attract Your Best Life

  1. Get out of your head and into your heart. 

    You know that place where time disappears? Where you’re in the zone, fully present, and enjoying yourself so much you don’t want whatever you are doing to be over? That’s living through the heart. That heart space is our bliss. The moments where we can be knee-deep in what we’re doing. Capture those moments to feel into your free spirit & expand them so big they light you up. 

  2. Think better thoughts.

    Any mindfulness guru will tell you that the starting place of all manifestation is our thoughts. If we had to re-read them on a transcript, we might be shocked at how much negativity can swarm through our mind on the reg. Self-awareness of our thinking patterns can help us stop the negative ones while we’re ahead and make a conscious decision to choose better ones. Retraining our mind takes practice but the rewards can be truly life-changing. 

  3. Organize/ declutter your environment.

    All things take up energetic space. Old stuff, new stuff, it all has an energetic signature that can either mess with or support our energy, oftentimes without us even realizing it. Think of the times when you have cleaned your room, would you say you feel better afterward? Organizing and decluttering clears space which can have a positive impact on our mood, stress levels, and productivity. 

  4. Unplug from the matrix.

    We are often going from one screen to the next. We live in a culture where we are on speed dial with the whole world, this constant pressure to always be available and responsive at all times. It’s draining, especially to our life force energy. Finding times to disconnect is important for our health and a good reset of our vibration. 

  5. Spend time with Mother Earth.

    Because nature is medicine.

  6. Have an attitude of gratitude.

    I like to think of expressing our gratitude as reminders to ourselves of just how much beauty there really is in the world. There is always something epic going on, we just have to take note of it. Like the lotus that blooms in mud. Say or write or sing or share your gratitude until it gives you goosebumps. Being in a state of appreciation is the real high.

  7. Be picky about who you spend your time with.

    We are the energy of the people we spend our time with. Both physically as we share air particles, environments, and hugs, but also emotionally as we sense and respond to each other through empathy and mutual experience. I’m sure we all have someone in our life who is a bit of an energy vampire, and although being supportive is important, protecting our own energy is equally as important. The older we get the more choice we have about who we want to be in our lives and we don’t have to be sorry about who doesn’t make the cut. 

  8. Less TV, more creaTVity.

    If we spent the same amount of time being creative as we do watching TV, we would all be Van Goghs and Picassos. Studies show that the average American spends 4+ hours a day watching TV. These are valuable hours that could be spent on building a craft, honing in on a talent, or hobbies that allow us to gain a deeper sense of purpose and improve our creativity. I’m not saying a Netflix binge isn’t needed from time to time, but there is definitely space for us to create boundaries around our TV watching and move away from watching it out of habit.  

  9. Get your groove on.

    Free flowing our bodies is such a powerful way to tap into that blissful space, where time stops and the music plays. Dance, even if you don’t like to dance. We move energy through our bodies with movement. 

  10. Give 10-second hugs.

    I believe in 10-second hugs so much that I hope someone quotes it on my gravestone! There is a guard that drops when we embrace each other for longer than the typical 1-second side hug. It is a beautiful energetic exchange that is shared through a long hug, one of trust, comfort, and safety. You don’t need to go around and hug everyone you meet for 10 seconds (unless you want to), but really hug the shit out of the ones we love because it’s such a beautiful way to bond as humans. 

When you lift yourself up, you lift others with you. Raising the collective consciousness starts with each one of us. Soar high, my friends.

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