

Rituals anchor us into a rhythm of more intentional living. Practicing them regularly helps us stay in close proximity to our purpose and they’re a beautiful way to connect with ourselves, others in ceremony, and the natural cycles of Earth. Rituals have the power to elevate our quality of life and create space for us to feel more connected to what’s most important.

Rituals Can Help You

» Bring awareness to the present moment.
» Tune in to your truth.
» Flow through life with intention.
» Deepen connection to self + others.
» Feel a great sense of gratitude.
» Align with purpose.
» Tap into higher states of being.

Before a Ceremony

» Get clear about your intentions.
» Establish how you want the process to unfold.
» Set boundaries/ thresholds that hold the space of the ritual.
» Cleanse your environment through prayer/ smudging, etc.

↠ Open your heart + witness the medicine of ritual behold you ↞


Full Moon


Full moon energy is powerful and transformative.

Follow the natural rhythms of the Universe and practice these rituals to harness the energy of the moon’s illumination and recharge your mind, body, and spirit.


Intention Setting

Daily Ritual

Intentions are where we get clear on what we want. With our intentions, we are setting the directions of our internal sails to take us where we want to go.

Daily intention setting is an artful practice that leads to living life with purpose + awareness. Use this guide to write your intentions everyday and witness the magic that unfolds because of it.


Magic Morning Ritual

for a High Vibe Day

Not all mornings are created equal. Waking up with intention, positivity, and a clear mind can help our mood, productivity, and focus throughout the day.

Use this guide to establish a morning ritual that gets you in the flow first thing when you wake up in the morning for a kickass day.


“Rituals are the formulas by which harmony is restored.”

Terry Tempest Williams
[peacemaker, citizen writer, barefoot artist]
